Blog Plurilingüe del IES Odón Betanzos Palacios

Blog Plurilingüe del IES Odón Betanzos Palacios
"Quien no conoce lenguas extranjeras nada sabe de la suya propia" (J.W. von Goethe)

martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Show must go on

The 17th of February and the 8th of March we went to the theatre!

First, we visited “Las Cocheras del Puerto” with 3rd and 4th of ESO and we saw “Pygmalion”, an adaptation of Shaw’s masterpiece.

 After the play, some of our students asked interesting questions to the actors in a debate.

After that, we could witness the British legacy in Huelva at “ Centro de visitantes Huelva Puerta del Atlántico” and finally, we had a walk through “El Muelle del Tinto” which was very nice and funny.

On the other hand, we went to “La Casa Colón” with 1st and 2nd of ESO to see the play “Keep Calm”, a comedy with music and dance. One of our students even went up on stage!

After that, we went to “El Parque de las Palomas” where the students spent a great time, in fact, they asked us for more time, but it was time to come back…

Patricia Pérez.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016


Hola a tod@s!
Como sabéis, en la provincia de Huelva, concretamente en Trigueros, contamos con un monumento megalítico de primera magnitud: El Dolmen del Soto. Para aquellos que no sepáis cómo empezar las vacaciones, os propongo una excursión a este paraje para el fin de semana (bien el 19 o 20 de marzo) pues tendrá lugar el célebre "Milagro del Sol", en el que se podrá observar, como viene sucediendo desde hace 5000 años, el recorrido de la luz del Sol hasta el fondo del monumento, algo que sólo sucede en el Equinoccio de Primavera.

La reserva es obligatoria (959305075). Os lo recomiendo a todos, especialmente a los alumnos de 1 de Eso, con los que estamos viendo la Prehistoria precisamente ahora.
Para más información:

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Chinese Crisis.

            Chinese Crisis.

The young engineer Qiu Xuemei, excited by her first job, was attending a meeting about the reservoir that was going to be built.
...”here, we can see the small towns that’ll be flooded and destroyed”...
Suddenly, Qiu recognized her lovely village and remembered her sweet childhood.
Then, she stood up, and upset, shouted:
- Find another engineer!  China is dying!

It is based on a short story from the unpublished book “I Certamen de Microrrelatos Raposo”.
I've submitted it a minisaga contest in the EOI.
Minisaga: A short story with 50 words at most.